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How it works




Hotels support charities by donating nights.
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You book your stay with Apogee Travel.
charity selection
You pick the charity that means the most to you.
Here's how it works.

It’s actually pretty simple. Check this out:

Apogee Travel partners with hotels to support charities by offering their available rooms to you. Can you believe that a majority of hotels have over 35% of their rooms unoccupied? Our partner hotels offer a limited number of rooms each night, which we call a "Donated Night." If you book a donated night, the value of that night is donated to charity. Even better, we let you pick a charity and split the value of the donated night with the hotel’s preferred charity.

Apogee Travel still donates to a charity of your choice even if there isn't a donated night available — because that's just what we do.

charity selection
You get to choose.

We help you contribute to verified charities that support a variety of causes — everything from protecting the environment (save the whales, y'all) to feeding communities (food pantries are so important). The choice is yours, we list them all.

Everyone wins.

You win – You pay the same price while making a difference.

Charities win – They get more donations to make a greater impact.

Hotels win – They can claim the donations on their taxes and we cost them less than the other guys.

A true win – win – win!

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